
We are pleased that you have found us.

All interested parties are invited to attend our events. The evangelische Erwachsenen- und Familienbildung [Protestant Adult and Family Education Services] are further education institutions recognised by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Our services are available at 47 locations throughout NRW. 

Every year our 130 pedagogical staff arrange well over 10,000 events which are attended by more than 140,000 people. We cooperate with many partners and collaborate with certified trainers, qualified teachers and experts. Our head office is located in Dortmund. 

We offer courses and seminars on the following topics:

  • (inter) religious studies;
  • qualification as a volunteer;  
  • political and cultural studies;
  • intercultural competence, migration and diversity;
  • language and integration courses;
  • various seminars with regard to family matters, education and pedagogics;
  • vocational training and further education. 

“We represent the type of education that serves to empower people and further equity” – we endeavour to make this line entailed in our mission statement come true. 

Please let us know if you have felt uncomfortable or threatened during a workshop. The Prevention and Awareness Concept applicable at any of our events is available here: 

Prevention and Awareness Concept

For any further information, praise or criticism please contact us

by email at info@ev-bildung.de or give us a call at 0231/5409-10.

We are also on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.

We look forward to hearing from you!